How to Take Screenshot of any Websites Without any Software

There are lots of free software and online services available to take screenshot of any websites. Due to educational need or some other reasons you might want to take screenshot of websites. So you may have installed some website capture software in your PC like DuckLink, WebKut or Web SnapShot to complete your task. To do these kind of simple works, if you install a software on your

Top 7 Websites to Learn English Online for Free

  “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way”  As above described quote, learning English has became an important thing in today’s life style. There are many ways available to improve your English Grammar and Vocabulary skills. Such as go to a private class, follow a diploma English course or online courses blah bla….

Top 3 Free Online Tools to Check Website Loading Time

Here today I’m gonna write a post for bloggers. If you have a website or blog, you have to concentrate on many thing to keep your valuable readers. In this list one of the most important thing is page load time. If your blog/website takes more time to load the page, definitely you will lose huge number

Best 5 Tools to Check your Internet Speed

Do you know the speed of your internet connection? Nowadays internet is our part of life, Every homes has internet connection. do you agree these lines? We are using internet for many reasons such as download movies, videos, software and much more. But when your out and you wanted download a movie, video file or a software

How to Convert YouTube Videos to Mp3 Format Without Any Software

YouTube allows us to download videos in many format such as MP4, FLV, 3GP etc… and if you want to download a video file in a MP3 format, what you will do? Most of you, download the particular video file to computer and start convert it into MP3 format by using any of converter software. When we see this in practical, it’s a little difficult task. So here I’ll

How to Send Password Protected E-mails

Most of us use Email-service to send data and files to our friends. If we want to send some confidential information to someone such as Bank detail, Credit card numbers, we use E-Mail services. It may not be secure to send directly without any encryption or password protection. This insecure situation gives a big chance