Dec 10, 2018
We admire those people who are unstoppable and always growing, helping people and building businesses. These people are no different but are just like you and me. But there are a few habits that make them stand out. They practice these habits every single day and time management is one such habit. They are the creators and people who follow them know it by heart.
So, today I have 4 tactics for you to help you manage your time and use it wisely. Let us begin:
1. Plan in advance
One of the best ways of ruining your day is by jumping into your day with no clear plans. Taking time out to schedule your next day before you sleep, your activities is crucial for the best use of time the other day. This method can save you much of your time and effort that could get wasted otherwise.
You can also do this in the morning by waking up earlier and by sleeping on time the previous day so you don’t feel sleep deprived the entire day. So, plan ahead and plan wisely and make the most of your time with this simple tactic.
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2. Be a minimalist
I am a big fan of author and motivational speaker Robin Sharma. He always talks about focusing on a few things than to focus on too many. These tactics have helped me save so much of time and get things done more productively than ever. I am talking about complete focus on a few things or a single project at a time.
These self-made leaders control their time by their choice and results are all in front of us and there is no doubt in it.
3. Make time for learning
To learn more about time management, you can read books or watch inspirational YouTube videos or listen to a podcast to learn a lot of stuff. If reading books is your thing then you can go for the book by Napoleon Hill called Think and Grow Rich and Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People to start with.
If watching videos is your thing then you can go for Robin Sharma and Gary Vaynerchuk, and many other inspiring people that have evolved over time.
4. Say ‘NO’ to people
Don’t say yes when you want to say no. It doesn’t need an explanation and you’re not doing yourself any favors. If you say yes to everything, you will get exhausted and burn out faster.
Everyone including you has the same number of hours and energy each day. So, it’s important to know about a few things that deserve a ‘NO’ and then those things that need your attention. Don’t let others dictate that for you. Make your decisions and keep going with a firm determination.
I hope this article on 4 Tactics to Manage Your Time has been helpful. Let me know your feedback about the same in the comments.
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