How to respond to negative people around you-dtechzone-aktricks

How to respond to negative people around you?

“Do not destroy yourself by allowing negative people to add gibberish and debris to your character, reputation, and aspirations, Keep all dreams live but discreet so that those with unhealthy tongues won’t have any other option to infest themselves with their own diseases.”- Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign.

Negative people are like the black holes in outer space – appearing from nowhere while attempting to engulf everything else around them.

Negative people drain energy from others. They will defame you, demean you, and constantly attack you and send negative vibes and have negative energy around them always. They always will have a problem for everything that is happening in your life as well as theirs.

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So how can one handle such people appropriately while still respecting their humanity? It is not easy, as they enjoy nothing more than to witness an emotional outburst of frustration and discontent.

In good conscious, we do not have an ultimate solution as it pertains to negative people in your life. However, there are ways that you can constructively handle negative people and their shenanigans without any self-harm.

Below are some steps mentioned:


It is easier said than done. But negative people, after all, will concentrate all of the vitriolic behaviors on you.

Taking things personally with a negative person does not lead anywhere. The only result will be that they have managed to “hook” you.


Many people do not like conflict so avoid it completely. And people on the receiving end of negative behavior will attempt to reason that person. It is important to remember that negative people do not want to be “reasoned with.”


Never reach to conclusions when one behaves negatively with you, there might be reasons one might respond in that way like- personal problems, work-related stress, monetary stress etc. It is easier to judge their behavior as an act of desperation and impulsiveness.


Being exposed to negative people takes a toll on yourself which can be mentally and physically exhausting. In such situations, it is better to isolate from such people and situations. And it is fine like this at the end we are humans have our own limits to withstand something.


A negative person sees the world with a negative perception and this cannot be changed by us. But we have to find ways to tackle these people without affecting us.

Smile and maintain a positive disposition will be enough to challenge these perceptions indirectly.

So next time when you face a negative person do not judge him directly, but in case you are affirmative of his negative behavior tackle the situation smartly without affecting yourself and also not hurting the opposite person.

I hope this article on “How to respond to negative people around you?” has been helpful. Let me know your feedback about the same in the comments.

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